Today I had the pleasure of sitting together with a young successful entrepreneur that has at the age of 26 already two offices for his company; one in Prague and one in New York.
We talked about culture and the challenges he is facing in his company with maintaining the culture as the company expanding in two locations, however his greatest concern was how to ensure that all the part-timers and external temporary workers are really in the culture and treating the clients as his full-time employees knows that his company wants to treat their clients. After some further explanations from Vojta about his company, I suggested him to try 3 things for his part-timers: 1. Set up an app for them to let the company know when they are able to work (giving the choice to them) 2. Implement a "champion system" where it is clearly communicated how you will celebrate the part-timers success. 3. Set up a 15 min training at the start of each gig of what is your company culture. Make it easy for anyone to train anyone-else on what the core of your company stands for. After we parted I realized that I had forgotten to tell him the about the:
Connecting part-timers to your organization is always a clever move, as they can be brand ambassadors and sales people of your company, if you are treating them right. Apart from that it is always the best thing to do - to treat people right and it feels good. It is also very good for your reputation - no negatives only lots of positive outcomes if you invest the time in looking after your part-timers.
Crucial in the process of career support of the team members is to understand the person’s strengths and weakness and be able to have an honest and open conversation around it. Sometimes this process you realize that the only way forward is to go separate ways.
When you have reached that point as manager, you have one task and one task only and that is to make sure that the person leaves you and your company with a good feeling about him/herself and also the company if possible, but that is secondary. How do I make a person feel good about being fired? The respect from host to guest has been over emphasized in various way by slogans like:
“Guest is always right, completely right” Marks & Spencer “Live like a King” Drawbridge Inn “Everything. Right where you need it” Hilton Garden Inn “Your success is our highest calling” Marriott “The Best Value Under the Sun” Days Inn The role of the guest has changed over time from a humble and grateful visitor to a demanding consumer. Most guests are still today wonderful and there are many encouraging stories from all parts of the world including all nations, races and cultures of people that are wonderful guests who have totally embraced the true meaning of their roles in the symbiosis of hospitality. It really is that simple... in theory.
In reality we might not even realize that what we are doing is counter productive to a happy team. This is the reason I am writing the book "Happy Hotels; put your employees first and the rest will follow". Interested? Soon you can sign up for a pre-copy of the book through my site. Stay tuned. Do you do special efforts when the senior people from your company comes to visit? and if you do, would your efforts sometimes impact your guests negative; like moving a guest to a different suit to give the best to your company seniors? and most importantly how does this make you feel?
I truly believe every leader would like to have a great workplace where the people are happy and motivated to do their job's and beyond. As a starting point to check if you have the make up in your hotel to accomplish this goal review below and ask yourself if your team would truthfully say they have all this. If not, then you have a great place to start.
My passion for hotels and for happiness at work will be come together in a book during 2017.
Alexander Kjerulf, the famous Danish Chief Happiness Officer and international speaker, and I will bring together the research around happiness at work and the practical world of the hotel industry. Do you have a compelling story about a great/awesome hotel stay? Have you experienced a challenge that was resolved in a fantastic way? Or have you had terrible guest service in a hotel or in a restaurant? We would love to hear your story in as much detail as possible. Leave it here as a comment or email [email protected]. We look forward to read your stories. o here I am, saying good bye to the team who has become my family over the past 4 years and what do I do? – I cry!
50 people sitting in front of me – listening to the presentation about the year’s results (which are exceptional) and hearing about the new brand that will take over and change the hotel away from the beautiful 60’s retro hotel that we have created over the past 4 years to a modern urban hipster hotel. There are mixed feelings in the audience and I feel how many of them are looking to me for directions. |
Monika HilmMy passions are managing and improving the results of hotels through employee centered processes. My motto: "Put your employees first and the rest will follow. Don't just say it - show it through the actions that you take". Archives
November 2019
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